
Number of adults with no formal education by region

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About this data

Number of adults with no formal education by region
De facto population aged 15+ withno education in a country or region.
Wittgenstein Centre (2024) – processed by Our World in Data
Last updated
December 6, 2024
Next expected update
December 2026
Date range

Sources and processing

This data is based on the following sources

This website presents the 2023 revision of the Wittgenstein Centre population projections (Version 3), following the initial projections (Version 1) in 2013 (Lutz, Butz, and KC (Eds.) 2014) and the 2018 update (Version 2) (Lutz, Goujon, KC, Stonawski, and, Stilianakis (Eds.) 2018). Further details on the updates and the revisions can be found in K.C. et al. (2024) and in other satellite papers focusing on the migration component (Yildiz and Abel 2024), the mortality component (Dhakad and KC 2024 - forthcoming), and the fertility component (Adhikari et al. 2024 - forthcoming).

In 2021, the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) scenario community related to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change requested an update of the human core of the SSPs, which is at the origin of this version. This updated version is based on 2020 as the reference year, with adjustments to certain short-term assumptions extending to 2030. However, most long-term assumptions have not been changed. Several changes were nevertheless implemented particularly in estimating and using country-specific education differentials in mortality and migration.

This new version includes population projections by levels of educational attainment from 2020 to 2100 for 200 countries according to seven scenarios (SSP1-5, SSP2-Zero Migration and SSP2-Double Migration). The reconstruction will become available in the course of 2024.

Retrieved on
December 6, 2024
This is the citation of the original data obtained from the source, prior to any processing or adaptation by Our World in Data. To cite data downloaded from this page, please use the suggested citation given in Reuse This Work below.
K.C., S., Dhakad, M., Potancokova, M., Adhikari, S., Yildiz, D., Mamolo, M., Sobotka, T., Zeman, K., Abel, G., Lutz, W., and Goujon, A. (2024). Updating the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Global Population and Human Capital Projections. IIASA Working Paper. Laxenburg, Austria: WP-24-003. Available at:

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All data and visualizations on Our World in Data rely on data sourced from one or several original data providers. Preparing this original data involves several processing steps. Depending on the data, this can include standardizing country names and world region definitions, converting units, calculating derived indicators such as per capita measures, as well as adding or adapting metadata such as the name or the description given to an indicator.

At the link below you can find a detailed description of the structure of our data pipeline, including links to all the code used to prepare data across Our World in Data.

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To cite this page overall, including any descriptions, FAQs or explanations of the data authored by Our World in Data, please use the following citation:

“Data Page: Number of adults with no formal education by region”, part of the following publication: Hannah Ritchie, Lucas Rodés-Guirao, Edouard Mathieu, Marcel Gerber, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, Joe Hasell and Max Roser (2023) - “Population Growth”. Data adapted from Wittgenstein Centre. Retrieved from [online resource]
How to cite this data

In-line citationIf you have limited space (e.g. in data visualizations), you can use this abbreviated in-line citation:

Wittgenstein Centre (2024) – processed by Our World in Data

Full citation

Wittgenstein Centre (2024) – processed by Our World in Data. “Number of adults with no formal education by region” [dataset]. Wittgenstein Centre, “Human Capital, Wittgenstein Centre 3” [original data]. Retrieved March 10, 2025 from