
We teamed up with Kurzgesagt to make a video about climate change: 'Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated'

A video about the drivers and possible solutions to climate change.

In recent years, the team at Our World in Data have teamed up several times with the YouTube channel 'Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell' to make videos on the global questions our work is focused on. One example was a video on Egoistic Altriusm (The selfish argument for making the world a better place), a video on the COVID-19 pandemic, and more recently a video on climate change: 'Who is responsible for climate change? – Who needs to fix it?'.

This time we worked with the Kurzgesagt team again to produce another video on climate change: 'Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated'.

This video looks at the four drivers of greenhouse gas emissions: population growth, economic growth, energy efficiency and carbon intensity. These four factors make up the 'Kaya Identity'. The balance of these factors determines our emissions, but also offer solutions to reduce them.

Much of the data and research presented in the video you can find in our article and charts on CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Population Growth; and Economic Growth.

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Our articles and data visualizations rely on work from many different people and organizations. When citing this article, please also cite the underlying data sources. This article can be cited as:

Hannah Ritchie (2020) - “We teamed up with Kurzgesagt to make a video about climate change: 'Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated'” Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]

BibTeX citation

    author = {Hannah Ritchie},
    title = {We teamed up with Kurzgesagt to make a video about climate change: 'Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated'},
    journal = {Our World in Data},
    year = {2020},
    note = {}
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