Veronika joined us in 2023. She recently finished her Ph.D. in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, and previously worked in the Data Journalism team at the Financial Times.
Veronika joined us in 2023. She recently finished her Ph.D. in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, and previously worked in the Data Journalism team at the Financial Times.
How are global temperatures changing, and what are the impacts on sea level rise, sea ice, and ice sheets?
Explore global and country-level data on the extent of wildfires and how they’ve changed over time.
Explore country-by-country data on monthly temperature anomalies.
The world population is moving to cities. Why is urbanization happening and what are the consequences?
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. Explore global data on cardiovascular diseases, their treatments, risk factors, and trends over time.
How much plastic ends up in the ocean? Where does it come from?
See all our data, visualizations, and writing on global education.
AI already has a large impact on our world. Explore research and data to understand the trajectory of this important technology.
How common is terrorism? How does this differ across countries? And how is it changing over time? Explore research and data on terrorism.
How often do people travel for pleasure? What role does tourism play in economies across the world? Explore global data on tourism.
How often do oil spills happen? How did the frequency of oil spills change over time?
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