Now it is possible to take stock - did the world achieve the Millennium Development Goals?Substantial progress has been achieved in the first 15 years of the new millennium, but in most aspects not as fast as the achievement of the MDGs required.By Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser — September 20, 2018
The map we need if we want to think about how global living conditions are changingBy showing us where the people in the world are, cartograms help us understand global living conditions better.By Max Roser — September 12, 2018
New teaching notes from Our World in DataMaterials with key interactive data visualizations for five of our most popular topics.By Esteban Ortiz-Ospina — August 29, 2018
Why is carbon pricing in some countries more successful than in others?Carbon pricing can be an effective way to reduce emissions. Why is it more successful in some countries?By Guest Authors — August 10, 2018
Most of us are wrong about how the world has changed (especially those who are pessimistic about the future)The majority of people believe that the share of people in extreme poverty is rising. The opposite is true.By Max Roser — July 27, 2018
Our World in Data for teaching – what we are learning from your feedbackBy Esteban Ortiz-Ospina — July 23, 2018
The past and future of global change – Max's slides for his talk at the UNHow rapidly the world is changing, and what further changes are needed to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.By Max Roser — July 10, 2018
How is literacy measured?An overview of how literacy is defined, and how estimates compare to other measures of educational achievement.By Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Diana Beltekian — June 08, 2018
Long-run trends in military spending and personnel: four key facts from new dataDo most countries devote resources to maintain armies even when they are not immersed in a critical conflict? How are military capabilities changing in the 21st century?By Esteban Ortiz-Ospina — April 22, 2018
The missing economic measure: wealthGross domestic product (GDP) is increasingly seen as an incomplete measure of economic activity. Another measure gaining traction as a supplement to GDP is national wealth.By Sandra Tzvetkova and Cameron Hepburn — March 26, 2018
Shrink emissions, not the economyDecoupling emissions from the economy is possible.By Guest Authors — March 25, 2018
How and why should we study ‘economic complexity’?The Economic Complexity Index offers insights into how diversified and sophisticated a country's export profile is. This matters for economic growth and development potential.By Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Diana Beltekian — March 19, 2018
Learning for our Millennium? The changing face of education access, quality and uptake in EthiopiaUnderstanding education challenges and progress in Ethiopia through the Young Lives Study.By Guest Authors — January 31, 2018
Definitions of world regionsWhich countries make up the world regions commonly used in our charts?By Our World in Data team — January 25, 2018
A sense of units and scale for electrical energy production and consumptionHow does the electricity output of different sources compare?By Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser — November 22, 2017
How new vaccines can help with our antibiotic dependenceNew vaccination technology could reduce our reliance on antibiotics.By Samantha Vanderslott — November 18, 2017
Are emerging economies deindustrializing too quickly?As today’s developed countries grew richer, they experienced a process of ‘structural transformation’. Are developing countries following a similar process?By Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Nicolas Lippolis — October 30, 2017
Is organic really better for the environment than conventional agriculture?Depending on the measure, organic farming can sometimes have higher environmental impacts than conventional farming.By Hannah Ritchie — October 19, 2017
How much of the world’s land would we need in order to feed the global population with the average diet of a given country?By Hannah Ritchie — October 03, 2017